Pet Friends
Wild crested geckos usually live in the trees on the island country of New Caledonia. Their diet consists of fresh fruit or any small live insects like worms or crickets.
Crested geckos usually shed about once every 2 weeks when they are still growing. Once they are full grown, they shed about once a month. Shedding is important because that means that they are healthy.
Crested geckos can lose their tail when they feel stressed or when they are attacked by another animal. When a predator comes up and tries to eat a gecko, they can drop their tail to run away or distract the other animal. When they lose their tail, it will not grow back, unlike leopard geckos.
My pet crested gecko is named Echo. Echo loves to eat live crickets and wet paste food. Echo will not eat bananas and grapes when you try to give them to him. He will spit them out and be mad at you until you give him a cricket. Echo and I have been working on letting me handle him for a couple weeks. He loves to come out of his cage and run around in our laundry basket.
Echo in Action
Echo climbing up his habitat, eating a cricket, and enjoying some playtime.